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Study abroad scholarships are available for all study abroad terms including semester, academic year, summer and faculty-led programs!
Typical institutional awards will range from $750 - $1,500.
Typical outside awards range from $2,000 - 5,000.


Edgewood College Scholarships: (ALL APPLICATIONS CLOSE at 11:59 pm DEADLINE DAY)

·         Edgewood College Study Abroad Scholarship 

    o   Available for faculty-led, semester, academic year and summer programs


Edgewood College scholarships are intended to increase the number of Edgewood undergraduate and graduate students who have access to study abroad. All students are encouraged to apply, especially ALANA (African American, Latino/a, Asian American, Native American) students, those with demonstrated financial need, veterans, first-generation college students, OPS students, first-time study abroad participants and first-time study abroad scholarship recipients.

Typical Institutional Scholarship Eligibility Criteria:

o   Have applied to a credit-bearing study abroad program (on or before scholarship deadline)

o   Students must submit two applications: A) program application B) scholarship application

o   Good academic standing (at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0)

o   You must be enrolled at Edgewood College at the time of application (preference will be given to full-time students, but part-time students may also apply). 


Outside Scholarships:

·        ISEP Scholarships

·        ISA Scholarships

·        API Scholarships

·        Benjamin Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship

 - Pell Grant recipients only

 - Awards up to $5000 for summer, semester and academic year program including internships at a minimum of 3 weeks in duration.

 - SIT Pell Grant Match Program Information 

·        Baden-Wurttemberg Stipendium

 - Only for students applying for the Karlsruhe University of Applied Science Exchange Program

 - Estimated 2800 Euro Award for Academic Semester

 - BWS Application 

·        Critical Languages Scholarship

-  Range of funding for those interested in learning a critical language. 
                    (ex. Arabic, Korean, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian)

Scholarships are available based on study abroad program, university and program provider. Tip: Find a strong connection to the mission of the scholarship and capitalize essays towards these qualities.

Other Scholarship Resources / Databases:


Edgewood College Center for Global Education Study Abroad Portal